Transformative Education and Lifelong Learning For Sustainable Growth

Educational Technology Research

Fostering change in the education system and enhancing how ICT and related pedagogies influence modern education.

PhD Research Projects

Teaching Natural Sciences through Blended Learning

Predictors of Undergraduates' Intention to Use AI Plant Identification Mobile Application in Biological and Agricultural Science Programmes in Uganda's Public Universities

ODeL Practices within Teacher Training Programs

Modeling Content Resources on Learning Management System for Fifth Generation Distance Mode: Case of Bachelor of Education at Makerere University

Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education

Using Problem Based Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills Among Graduate Students at Gulu University (Uganda)

PhD Candidate:

John Bukenya, Makerere University

Supervision team:

Dr. Rovincer Najjuma

Dr. Godfrey Mayende

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghislain Maurice Isabwe

PhD Candidate:

Arthur Mugisha, Makerere University

Supervision team:

Assoc. Prof. Betty Akullu Ezati

Dr. Michael Walimbwa

Dr. Godfrey Mayende

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Lazareva

PhD Researcher (Graduated in Jan 2025):

Gloria Lamaro, Makerere University

Supervision team:

Dr. David Onen Otto

Dr. Dianah Nampijja

Prof. Dr. Frank Reichert

Enhancing Engagement with Selected Digital Tools for Students with Visual Impairment at Makerere University

Inclusive e-Teaching and Learning Practices

PhD Candidate:

John Paul Nuwe,

Makerere University

Supervision team:

Dr. Leah Sikoyo

Dr. Jjingo Caesor

Dr. Dianah Nampijja

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Lazareva

e-Learning Analytics in Higher Education

A framework to enhance Teacher Support in eLearning through Learning Analytics

PhD Candidate:

Eva Mirembe,

Makerere University

Supervision team:

Prof. Rehema Baguma

Prof. Paul Birevu Muyinda

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghislain Maurice Isabwe

Artificial Intelligence In Education 

Policies for Future Universities

Towards Personalized Education 

with Affinity-based Reinforcement Learning 

PhD Candidate:

Alexandre Kanyeshuli,

University of Rwanda

Supervision team:

Dr. Mathias Nduwingoma

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ghislain Maurice Isabwe

Prof. Dr. Christian Omlin

Impact of Tutors' beliefs, knowledge and practices in shaping ICT integration in pre-service teacher education in Rwanda.

PhD Candidate

Jean Baptiste Mushimiyimana 

University of Rwanda

Supervision team:

Dr. Irenée Ndayambaje

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Lazareva